Part -4
76. Which of the following substances are not responsible for water hardness?
- Calcium carbonate
- Magnesium carbonate
- Calcium nitrate
- Calcium hydrogen nitrate
The answer given in the official answer key is option c)
77. Different plant parts in which leucoplasts are present are
- Roots and underground stem.
- Green leaves
- Flowers and fruits
- Green parts of young stems
78. Pteridophyta do not have
- Leaves
- Stem
- Roots
- Flowers
79. In which group of animals, Coelom is filled with blood?
- Annelida
- Arthropoda
- Nematoda
- Echinodermata
80. Lack of oxygen in muscles often leads to cramps among athletes. The reason for this is
- Conversion of pyruvate to ethanol
- Conversion of pyruvate into lactic acid
- No conversion of glucose o pyruvate
- Conversion of pyruvate to glucose
81. Winnipeg in Canada is famous for
- Fur trapping
- Softwood collection
- Sawmills
- Newsprint
82. Which among the following variables/factors are not used in constructing the Human Development Index of India?
- Life Expectancy at birth
- Real GDP per capita
- Morbidity
- All of the above
83. Disguised Unemployment means
- Marginal Productivity of labour is zero
- Marginal productivity of labour is positive
- Marginal productivity of labour is negative
- Both a and b
84. Human Development does not use which parameter while measuring gender inequality
- Sex Ratio
- Health
- Education
- Command over economic resources
Note: This question is scrapped by HPPSC.
85. SANKALP is launched to provide
- Better healthcare for rural poor
- Better healthcare for urban poor
- Quality education
- Market relevant training to youth
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86. Golden rule of fiscal policy in India is
- Borrowing only for current expenditure.
- Borrowing only for public investment
- Borrowing only for repayment of debt
- Borrowing for budget expenditure
87. Which of the following is an example of a management performance indicator?
- Raw material used per unit of product
- Number of complaints from public or employees
- Containment concentration in surface soil
- Change in groundwater level
88. Which of these is a dimension of CSR?
- Physiological
- Political
- Ecological
- Philanthropic
89. NGOs are recognized as _____ to focus and fix the problems present in the development process.
- Favoured child
- Unfavoured child
- Magic bullet
- Unmagic bullet
90. Which of the following is the primary goal for sustainable development?
- Increasing emissions
- Eliminating wastes and emissions
- Decreasing emissions
- Moderating emission and wastes
Note: This question is scrapped by HPPSC.
The answer given in official answer key is option b)
91. Eco mark label of India is:
- A bluebird
- An earthen pot
- A red rose
- White Rabbit
92. Mass extinction of species do not occur due to which of the following factors:
- Global cooling
- Falling sea level
- Excessive rainfall
- Predation
The answer given in the official answer key is option c) which is incorrect.
93. A 40 watt bulb is used 6 hrs every day. Number of electric unit consumed in 30 days
- 12
- 1.2
- 2.4
- 7.2
94. In nuclear fission of U235 with a slow neutron bombardment produces energy approximately
- 50 MeV
- 100 MeV
- 200 MeV
- 930 MeV
95. Dental alloy for teeth filling contains
- Silver, mercury, tin, copper and zinc
- Siler, gold, tin, copper and zinc
- Silver, mercury, tin, copper and aluminium
- Gold, mercury, tin, copper and zinc
96. Which of the following is the highest peak in the eastern ghats?
- Madugula Konda
- Arma Konda
- Gali Konda
- Vagai Konda
97. Khetri has rich deposits of
- Mica
- Salt
- Copper
- Gypsum
98. 49th parallel is associated with
- Portugal and Spain
- Canada & USA
- Germany and Poland
- Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan
99. Lena river in Russia empties in
- Laptev Sea
- Lake Baikal
- Sea of Okhotsk
- Barents Sea
100. Barren Falls are associated with which structural division of Australia?
- Eastern Highlands
- Western Plateau
- Central Lowlands
- Barkley Tableland
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